Thursday, January 27, 2011


wow its been a while since i blogged, kinda getting lazy now got nothing to blog about cos im boring like that and theres nothing interesting happening with my life atm but today i thought of blogging about my mum and her amazing fashion as a teenager in her days :)
so below are just some of the many pictures of my mother in her very stylish days <3
enjoy looking at these amazing photos, cos i certainly did
its amazing how much of the old stuff have come back in style in todays fashion
shes quite the model i must say

Sunday, January 9, 2011

spontaneous sunday

so today my sister, my cousin and i planned a breakfast date today, went to coles which is our grocery store to buy a few things we will be using for our cooking sesh. got home then picked up my cousin aivy then went back to my house and we started cooking our brekky ;)
brekky this morning was amazing we had oven baked mushrooms and tomato, scrambbled eggs and bacon it was DELISH! thinking of making big breakfast again when my cousin jhanna gets back from philippines.

after our little big breakfast we decided to have a little photoshoot with my cousin aivy to continue our sunday fun! so i drove her back to her place to get clothes and a few shoes for out shoot and went back to mine again, dw her place was only a few minutes away hehe